Sunday, July 05, 2009

A Return To Blogging

After a break of several months I've decided to return to the blog. Much has happened since my last post. I was laid off from my job of 18 years as a photographer for the Fresno Bee in March. It's been a strange time and I've had to make some big adjustments.

Not having a place to go each day is one of the bigger challenges. Having no camera equipment is another. I turned in a full set of top end digital cameras and lenses as well as an Apple laptop when I left. It took me two months to get a new laptop and pick up a combination of used and new lenses and a Canon Mark III body.

Since getting my camera and lenses I've tried to shoot something several times a week even If I have no assignments.

I'm always looking for things that might make a nice picture or two. My wife, sister in-law and friend Mark caught a great concert by Fresno rock violinist Patrick Contreras recently and I brought along my camera.

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