Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Postcards from Yosemite

I finally got my Yosemite tourist project into the paper and on the web this week. I've been shooting these pictures for years but began to hit it hard again this summer. I consider it a work in progress and am going to try and get an exhibit and at least self publish a book. I'll be looking for any sort of grant money I can scrounge to finance the rest of it.

Making these pictures has really gotten me excited about photography again. It's really easy to get beaten down by the daily grind of a newspaper job. I'm hoping that I can keep the excitiment going for a while.

I'll be flying to Texas later this week to shoot football. I hope I can somehow find a few non-football pictures to make along the way. Even one nice picture from a road trip would be a victory.

There's always a ton of stuff to do before one of these trips and I usually feel anxious in the days leading up to them.

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